Private Lending

Are you tired of the stock market volatility, low (or negative) returns, and the headaches that go with these types of investments?

Aren't we all.

Well, an ever growing group of people have discovered private lending and how it can help them earn better returns more consistently.  Many reputable real estate investment companies have created Private Lending programs to bridge the gap between safe, secure investments like CD's, money markets, under-performing stocks, etc. and very high returns that are traditionally reserved only for the wealthy.

We are a team of real estate investors in Saint Petersburg, FL who have carved out a niche in our market and are helping private lenders like yourself earn great returns while giving you more control over your investments in the process.

What is it that we offer?

We offer a private lending program (also called "Trust Deed investing", by some), which allows you to take control of your investments, IRA's, and retirement accounts to further build wealth rather than settling for meager 2-5% returns.

So, what is a Private Loan?

A private loan is basically a loan made to a real estate investor that is secured by real estate.

When you make a private loan, you are given a first mortgage that secures your legal interest in the property thus securing your investment. Although you do not own the property - you, by legal documentation, become the owner of the property if something goes wrong (in just the same way a bank prepares a mortgage, the property is your collateral, legally).

Your investment is further secured by a low Loan-To-Value (LTV) ratio. As a standard, we keep LTV ratios at 75% or less, which assures you are kept in a good position. This is a more conservative approach than conventional lending institutions, who routinely lend 85-90% of the value (which is what got them in trouble in the first place).  When you work with a large LTV cushion, you're placed in a much more desirable position as the private lender

As an example, if the real estate investor purchases a property that is valued at $100,000, our Private Lender will loan at the most $75,000 dollars on the property.  That's a 75% loan-to-value ratio.

You, as a private lender have to determine your own goals; however, we suggest you never lend more than 75% LTV which is a very conservative number aimed at providing a cushion to work under. As a lender, it is in your best interest to minimize risk and maximize return and this is why a loan should never be made without a 25% safety net. We keep the ratio there or even lower, because your security is at stake.

Our expertise comes in on the frontlines. We are on the streets securing the properties with the potential for the highest returns. Our job is to, buy, refurbish, rent and manage the properties for income. Your job is to lend for the property and participate in the high rental income, or to participate in the capital appreciation of the properties (see Investment Options).

Basically, we can guarantee you a high return on investment for as long as you want. The amount you invest can be as low as USD 45,000.00, for as little as a year, or much longer.  We do not require huge amounts of money for you to see huge returns. Also, investing with us avoids the volatility of other tradtional investment avenues and you need not worry about a "depressed" property market. In fact, you benefit greatly from the increasing demand for rental properties and the virtual halt to bank lending.

We offer our expertise to put you in a position to take full advantage of low property prices and rental demand yielding returns far above average. 

Copyright © 2010 JD Investment Properties, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a security. The information provided herein is not intended to be for the purposes of soliciting a Security under State or Federal regulations. This information is intended to give the private investor alternatives to stock market investments, but is not intended to be a solicitation of a Security under SEC rules and regulations. This is intended to be a private borrowing transaction. For more information see our disclosure statement.
